Holiday Operations

Operation Thanksgiving blessing 2019

This year we are partnering with Steve Lindner and Everyone Matters Ministries to provide thanksgiving meals to the families that are being blessed by their program. Everyone matters provides transitional housing for the homeless and those in need in our area. to learn more about Steve and his ministry visit Everyone Matters website here!

Sign up to volunteer for a family in our lobby on Sunday or join in with a group to share the work! In order to ensure that each family is blessed equally, Please only include the following items:
Turkey (white and dark meat): baked and sliced
Mashed potatoes
Jello salad
Dinner rolls & butter or margarine
Pumpkin pie
Cool Whip
Thanksgiving card with written blessing to the family

Please bring your box of prepared food in sealed
disposable containers to Westside Christian Church on
Wednesday, November 27, 7–7:30pm

Operation Christmas Blessing 2019

In addition to blessing the families of Everyone Matters with Thanksgiving dinners this year, we are also excited to bless them with some gifts for the holidays!

Please use the following guidelines as you shop for gifts:

  • Gifts may include more than one item. But, the total should value around $20–$25.
  • All items for an individual should be wrapped together
  • Items should be new. No used or thrift store items.
  • No alcohol or tobacco items
  • No explicit or inappropriate items.
  • No items that require sizing.
  • Think “would I like to get this?”

Sign up in the lobby this Sunday and make sure to grab the corresponding tree from our giving tree. Purchase your gift for that family member and make sure to wrap it and attach your tree to the outside. All gifts must be wrapped and returned to the Westside offices no later than collection night November 27th 7-7:30 p.m.